
Main Business Registration - Cost $7
RCB Biz Generator System - Cost $45


The Business Management and Marketing Product Suite are equipped with tools that are essential for any business, whether you have a "Brick and Mortar" business or a "Click and Order" business. All network marketers and anyone who is online marketing anything from information to someone looking to start a business, our suite of products will help you be more productive and successful.

The suite of tools that you will have available to you as a RCB - Residual Cash Blaster owner that are available in your back office are as follows:

Virtual Business Office – included in all phases of your business

Every person who becomes an Independent Marketing Director of RCB - Residual Cash Blaster is in business for themselves.

Your initial product fee is your Virtual Business Office - "your website" where you will send all your business prospects as you advertise your business opportunity and product line.  Your Virtual Business Office phase 1 is stocked with your phase 2 product line, this allows you to familiarize yourself and learn how to use the product before you purchase them in phase 2 of your business build.  Learning to use your phase 2 product line will allow you to promote it more effectively and efficiently.

The Auto Responder – this tool is available to you in phase 1, but is a product you will purchase in phase 2.

An auto responder allows you to send out emails to a prospects list.  It is a proven fact that a prospect needs to hear or needs to see a product 7 times before they will make a decision to buy it.  With an auto responder you may write several emails at one time and set your auto responder up to send out 7 different emails to the same prospect list several different times.

An auto responder saves you the cost of printing, postage and packaging.  An auto responder allows you to stay in touch with all your prospects around the clock without actually having to do anything except the initial setup process.

Custom Forms and Splash/Capture Pages - this tool is available to you in phase 1, but is a product you will purchase in phase 2.

Both business centers are equipped with several different capture pages depending on the product and business phase that you are presently marketing.

Your custom forms and splash/capture pages are small one page websites that allow your visitors to enter their contact information to request more information on your product or business opportunity.  This marketing tool also allows you to collect a list of interested prospects. You now follow up with them using your auto responder with a series of messages which will highly increase your rate of signups and sales.

Having Custom Forms and Splash/Capture pages creates a virtual unlimited opt-in tool to advertise to your now new "opt-in" subscribers list.  This is a very effective way to build your prospect list to advertise to in the future.

Video/Audio Chat and Instant Messaging - this tool is available to you in phase 1, but is a product you will purchase in phase 2.

Video Chat is like a phone call, only better! It's the next evolution in online communication, allowing for richer connections, more expressive communications - all in real time and with amazing, high-quality video.  Stay in touch with other RCB IMD’s

Viral Inviter - this tool is available to you in phase 1, but is a product you will purchase in phase 2.
“Tell-A-Friend” Software that makes old-fashioned “Tell-A-Friend” scripts obsolete. It allows users to easily and instantly invite ALL of their contacts from Google, Yahoo, AOL, & MSN and more with just few simple clicks.
  • Harnessing the exact same technology that powers Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, LinkedIn and many more of the biggest traffic sites on the planet!
  • It can generate an avalanche of zero-cost free traffic automatically in just seconds.
  • Plus: it even offers a customizable reward system to motivate users to continue inviting as many friends as possible
Viral Marketing Factors:
     1. Make it as easy as possible for you to spread your message
     2. Reward your visitors for telling their friends.

Broadcaster - this tool is available to you in phase 1, but is a product you will purchase in phase 2.

Stay in contact with your team of RCB IMD’s, send them updates, information and messages.

Separately you would pay hundreds of dollars for these tools which are included in your monthly virtual auto ship subscription cost.

Phase 3 will be equipped with our exclusive Web Marketing 2.0 Training Series of webinars conducted by top internet marketers who will train you on how to market and build your business and become the next future 6 figure income earners if you learn and use the information that will be available to you.

Here are just of few of the topics to be covered:
  1. Youtube Video Marketing 
  2. Search Engine Optimization
  3. Blog Marketing
  4. Social Media and Networks
Phase 4 business center will be equipped with a 30 day Online Marketing and Self Growth University.

To be successful in today’s global market it is essential to understand the dynamics of internet. Even if you market locally, we will teach you how to use the web to be more effective and productive.

Blog - Presentation - Marketing Plan - Products - Perfection - Testimonials - Getting Started - Contact

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